Tuesday, March 9, 2010

oNe droP oF tear rain

oNlY sad, onlY wiL thiNk about writing something

is jZ a feeling. i nOe, but reali very hard pain.

when the 1st step i step ouT of the exam hall

i noe

i reali nOe wad will going to hapen

is true


i jZ have to acept it

i Noe wad i will get

i have to

acept it

im reali useless



oni down thing will write here

i hoPe the next

i will catch uP


i must help myself

without anyone

i can do it

i will be fine.


i will find ouT myself

T.T... wuwu

tis is jz to write to myself

i must enjoY every moment

when ever is a sad thing

or a happy thing

sure got its meaning

i jz have to go through it

wad ever things hapen

is a test for me




hope it wil be a fine day for me 2day

nOw is 11.30 am

jz back froM macro clas

i feel sO down >,<... wuwuwu

2day need to go back .. wuwu..

having lunch on my ownself

think ing

is a good feeling

but sad feeling

~~~~~你要離開 我知道很簡單
~~~~~~~你說依賴 是我們的阻礙
~~~~~~就算放開 但能不能別沒收我的愛

maybe, i jz have to dO that?...


i jz have to try on my own way