Thursday, September 27, 2012


Finally i understand too late? 

两种老公 两种人生A:她:“老公。我晚上不想刷牙了。” 他:“随便你,等你有了虫牙可不要叫疼。” 她静静的没有说话,我有了虫牙你不会心疼吗?B:他们坐在一起看韩剧吃零食。她困了要睡觉。他说“刚吃了糖,刷牙再睡!” 她:“我困,不想动,不刷了。” 他起身,拿来挤好牙膏的牙刷,漱口水,还有可以盛水的空盆,端着盆哄着她把牙刷好,再把东西都收好。女人多可怜。她对男人唯一的要求就是“疼她”。你可以什么都没有。只要你疼她。她就有足够的勇气把自己的下半辈子交给你。 

A:他晚上下班。给她打电话“宝贝儿。我晚上和朋友出去吃饭。” 她:“你不是答应我陪我逛街的吗?” 他:“改天吧!” 她默默地流泪。为什么每次都是这样? B:他下班的时候打电话给她:“亲爱的。别人给我一张奥运会的票。巴西队啊!一会儿我去看球了啊。” 她:“哦。这样啊。好吧。” 他:“怎么不高兴了?” 她:“你忘了。上周说好今天我朋友和她男朋友请我俩吃饭啊。” 他:“哎呀。对不起亲爱的。我忘记了。那我把票给别人吧。我陪你去吃饭。” 她:“不要了。吃饭可以改天。或者你先去看。我们等你。” 他:“那不行。答应你的事情必须得做到。再说你自己跟他俩在一起像电灯泡似的。你肯定不舒服啊” 她:“没事……” 没等她说完。他很强势的告诉她“好了。听我的。你收拾一下。我一会儿去接你。” 其实女人不是不懂事。只是。她需要碰上一个懂事的男人。其实。情侣之间。是可以互相的。 

A:他:“我晚上出去吃饭了啊。” 她:“几点回家?” 他:“九点之前肯定回家。” 九点半,她:“你怎么还不回来啊?” 他:“十点。肯定回家。” 十一点。十二点。一点。两点…… 后来。她不再打电话催他。因为她知道。对于不守承诺的男人。一切“肯定”都是“未必”。 B:他:“我晚上出去吃饭。九点之前肯定结束。然后我俩去看电影。” 她:“你能那么快就结束吗?” 他:“放心吧。我答应你了就一定能!” 快到九点的时候。他:“收拾一下吧。我马上就到你家了” 信任。是在一件一件小事中建立起来的。 

A:她生理期。身体不舒服。顶着疼痛洗衣服。收拾屋子。他坐在电脑前面玩网络游戏。 她干完活。躺在床上。长出了一口气。 他看了她一眼:“宝贝儿。辛苦了!”然后转过头。继续玩他的游戏。 B:她生理期。很难受。起身准备洗衣服。 他拽住她:“你去床上躺着。我来!” 她:“你会做家务吗?你自己洗过衣服吗?” 他:“不会做可以学着做啊。以后你身体不舒服的时候。我当然得独挡一面!” 女人需要的不只是甜言蜜语。哄她几句。她也许会给你一个微笑。但是实实在在的呵护。她会对你一辈子的感恩。并且会回报给你一个温暖的家。 

A:她给他拿了一包榛子。然后她去洗衣服。 回来的时候。榛子已经被他吃得所剩无几。 B:她拿给他一包榛子。然后自己去收拾屋子。 回来的时候。她看见电脑前面放了一堆剥好的榛子仁。 女人很感性。她炫耀你对她的体贴。就好像炫耀克拉钻一样。这么廉价的买卖。用一点心思就能收获无比的财富。 

A:他说:“你是最好的。” 她问:“我哪好?” 他:“学历高。能力强。长得漂亮。对我又这么好。” 她笑了。 B:他:“你是我所遇到最好的女孩儿。” 她:“我哪好?” 他:“你对身边的每个人都很友善。很无私。对人对生活总是很感恩。一个人有一颗善良的心。会让周围的人感觉到温暖。你是我见过最善良的女孩儿。伤害你的人都应该下地狱!”她哭了。 一个人。是因为你对他好。所以觉得你好。 一个人。是因为懂得你的好。所以想要对你好。 幸福的恋人。首先应该是一对彼此欣赏的知己!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

n O m I n D s

minds always disturb me being man

i have learned being man, i shall not always minds at anything

but no minds

in the journey of my life, sometimes i have to considered wad my friends feeling 

scared of being judges by friends or people

scared my actions will become laughter to people

but is this reali minds?

people will remembered you?


people will not remembered your stupidity but will remembered wad u hurts them 

simple thing will not be big deals

stay myself peacefull and harmony, do not think of people minds but myself, 

sometimes i just scared what i did,

if i do that, will i become stupid? will everyone looking at me?

no!! they looking at you is just a few second

they will not remembered you!!


people will not remembered simple people, 

people will remembered the hard people.

from now on, i will put myself into no minds

focus on what i need to do, and what i have to do

but not worry the thing if i do, will people laugh at me!!

do the thing is right!! not do the thing based on other people eye!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

W o R k i n G L i F 3

there is sO long i have left myself to a very small world

in the world of working,

^^ i have learned a lot of things

realli a lot, appreciated

something that is more than jz working

nightmare for me but after all have pass i change to another dimention

i found hapiness when in working.

quotes from Robert Kiyosaki- when you are young, earn to to learn but not learn to earn

mY cousin and me hee

there are the view when i was working in a factory

the view the skills, the people

i have merge inside the dimention

feel like im starting to love the thing im doing.

there are very wide things i can do

not only jz live without doing anything

the day passing by

i found meaningfull to live.