Friday, February 25, 2011

i wont cared !!!!!!!!!!!!

不要再忽别人不喜欢你, 只要你喜欢你自己就好

我是特别的,我不是 number one, but 我是only one !!!

recently, what i have found in life , i found that


i have friends
i have parents
i have boy friend
i have girl friend
i have housemates
i have basketball kaki
i have many many!!!

i do noT know how to appreciate it

im stil blaming myself

im weak

im rubbish

im scared

im coward

but, all this people are going through it

im happy for the next challenge ^^

Saturday, February 19, 2011


sometimes, the weather is not always the same,

sometimes, the cluod of the sky noT always the same

same as my moOD,

somewhere in the sunday,

feel a biT weird,

i think because my parents come to visit me,

a biT homesick

tats why mY mOOD noT in a goOD condition

i wan a break,

i need a break

to think ,

to rewind

mY tape

i decided

this thursday i will back klang

bY ktm ^^

long time dint back by train

my mooD will be beter again later

hope those i accidently make them angry

sory yea

Friday, February 11, 2011


many things hapened on me,

i just canot control sometimes.......

i will become a very tempered beast..

of course is when no ones ,

i will done somethings crazy,

example, i will sit on the window watching the sky the whole day

i will go do something alone,

hmm, i wondered is it im 7line?(in cantonese)


tension and stress is fired on me,

i just ........ not dared!!!!

but after few moment

i heard some one

gv me a lots of courage


im appreciated

my looks is like nothing but im reali in side my heart

thank you, someone !!!