^^ i went to gym, workout for my body, then i went to sauna and steamroom
very relazing after i finish the whole sesion.
then a cup of Hot Green Tea Late will do,
make my day more refreshing wuhOO
3nJoy3D Th3 liTTl3 tHinG in lIf3
fOr oN3 daY yOu will lOOk baCk
anD r3aliz3 th3y w3r3 tH3 BiG ThInGs
i should enjoy3d every second, everything in lif3
when we are 50++
we will regret the thing i did not do it
but not the thing i have done,
so from now on
giv3 myself a positive mind
follow3d my own feels
what i want to do
jUst Do it!!!
do big
dream big
corr3ct ma? Tan San Meow
u will scold me again
but,think positive
it is a very small thing la,k
money can be earned back
okay okay
from now on
i will start saved every dine of the money!!
and cut down weight as best as i can do..