Monday, January 11, 2010

s u n d A y traveL

i k e A
sunday, yea it was sunday,

i wenT to damansara there wf meow meow de frien,

tat day i m sick, but i stil go, then kena scold by meow meow,

haha bUt iT was nice there when the day become dark,

the light and atmosphere there,

feel like i become rich d wakaka...

cOz there r many rich people and anG mO lAng wakak

then, follow her frien shoP at ikea loH , bY the time im tired d, sO take some rest at the new

sOfa wakaka, damn nice the sofa smooTh smOth like taofU,

then dar dar take lOh haha he gO siT at the low quality de sofa wakak

mY oNe is quality kakaak
tis is the sofa she sit hehehe
after shOp at ikEa,

we wenT tO the curve shop,

there are nice ,

the atmosphere will not like other shoping mall like giant, the store, or the parade

hah xD.. quite a nice place to shop

then tis was ouTside de food there got stalls

many people shoP there

dar dar buy two pant wow, she buy pants

i wana pay it buT she dun let haih , and mY wallet she keep it wuwuwu

then we take picture at near the avatar hehehe
wow mY turn neh

iT was nice hehe ^^ after we takke dinner in kim gary

then tats the day we end it hah

nowadays quite lazy to updated mY bLog haha xD..

oso no people will read

jZ for fun

think tat i will lost my memory

so write a bit loH xD wakakka

1 comment:

  1. Don't say nobody will read...I am the one who are reading it now...hehe...
