i woke up 1.20pm (^^))) dO u believ3?? hehe
ya i am(>,<)....yesterday meeting until veri lat3!!!wakakakaXD!!! then 2day class iz 2 to 4pm i wake uP 1.20pm bath faster then gO fetch mY frienzz(^^)___ after tat we went tO bloCK A tO get oUr exaM sLIpt. final iz cOming duNo i can dOne well in the exam. she sO gOod in the sTudy oNly me sO sTupid.. haih___ i nO talent lah hah!! i wiLl sTIll try mY besT tOO then after the class and after i fetch mY frienz back i went tO her House and gO tescO bUy tHiNgs tO eat___ gues wad i eat?? hehe ....i eat two bread by her then we went tO tescO bUy "cAppElanG' eat mean eat rubbish lah haha...kfc twister , wafer, kaya ball and keropok lekOr. wOW!! then after play basketball wf them we went to eat chOp rice opposite ivOne hOuse. i diNt eat jZ have a skY jUice and cin cau hehe(^^)>>>>
then we went back, i go bUy a burger haha geng lah me i tOt i diet sucessfULl 2day hah bUt faiL again wakak!!!XD!!!
then now nOtHiNg tO dO wrItIng the bLog hah i kNow im tOO chIldish hah bUt iziT tat mY personality???if i change to veri man and veri straight izit ok??? iz tat jj??hah im nOt tInk sO la sOmetImes im childish la but i kNow hOw tO tInk wan hah .>,,<...
so .... 2mlo im gOing back haiz .. lOng tIme diNt gO back klang liao hOmetown .. mum call me jz Now she tot i nOw hOLiday oledi sO plan tO have actIvity or gOiNg sOmewer briNg aloNg wf me haiz.... i Know she sayang me i Know i did manY wroNg ThiNg tO her
" iM nOt suPPose tO say i wan gO back kampar beter!!!!" i kNow i wrOng d
u tOt im nOt sad after sayIng TAt words??? wuwuwuwu damn sad la haiz
i crY fOr somedays after gOiNg back tat day the last i wenT back
iM stIll duNo How tO make monEY bUt clever in spendiNg mOnEY i will trY mY best to spend leeser my mOnEy tat u gave me wuwu im sO sORy u gOt a suCh bad sON wuwuwu hOpe when i gRow uP i can make many many monEY for u wuwu sO tat u can spend daO sIAo hehe .....
i wILL staRT stUdyInG ..i kNow mY stUdy nOt gOOD but i know 1 THiNg mUm wants me to be the best sO tat she spend me to here tO study fOr bETer fUture sO i mUst dO iT fOr her and mYself BUt there r manY tHings tat coNfused me reali manY THiNgs abOut The quartsnet ecommerze their theory damn tOuchIng BUt i have tO saY no now bcOZ nOw iM nOt uSIng mY mOney i wish tO have my moNey 1st then i JoiN wuwu haiz reali damn miserable hope tHis wiLl Not make me sO cONfUsed!!!!!!!!!!! man iz nOt jZ study after u gEt the degree wad u can dO????can u eran manY mOnEY????? tHis theory haiz reali damn scare i scare my fUture wuwuwu________________________the end for tis days i hOpe i wiLL be mature mOre to coNtRoL mY temper and many many bad habits lah hehe mY dearest friens i tInk u ALl kNow all my bad habit s la hehe reali thanK GOd i have a lOt of cariNg frienzz suCh lIke u all.. u all sO cUte lah hehe if i done anyThIng wROng or say anYtHiNg wrONg plz fOrgIve me lah ok?? hehe u all Know de la i alwaz say wrong tHings haiz hehehe ok la say the end haven the end yet ________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________the end
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no la...
i forgive u~
will u forgive me too??
I am so stess now..
feeling jump off to the westlake~
god darn it...