Tuesday, October 27, 2009

come hOme T.T

helLO world

hOpe u listening

forgive me if im young

for the speaking out of turn

there's someone i've been missing

i think tat they could be

the beter half of me

they're in their own place to make it right

bUt im tired of justifying

so i say you'll

cOme hOme
coMe home

cause i've waiting for you

for so long for so long ..............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

wuwuwuwuwu when u wiLl come home???

im waiting wuwuwu.

alwaz y i querel ??

y i angry?

sure gOt mY purpose i agry.

cOZ i tOO miss u T.T


yesterday back froM the place

i feel sO sad

like i 've lost u

tat seems like take u away froM me

i felt no MOre safe wUwUw

hOpe u come hOme come home

i .ve waiting for so long

so slOng ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

come Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bY The way u r doing ur assignment Now

i felt sO lonely

nobody here

jz the soNg acompany me gO through all Tis

hOpe u come hgOme come

so long so long

and right now there'z s a war between the vanities

but all i see is you and me

The fight for you is all i ve ever known

ever kNown

so.... come hOme

come hOme T.T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ENDED

hOpe u miss me tOOOO wuwuwuwu

1 comment:

  1. haha~
    miss mummy o~~~
    so kelian...
    didnt look for us mie??
    we so free here...
    take care^^
