Friday, November 20, 2009

~^* b a d l u c k *^~

i wok3 uP earLY iN tHe mOrnIng,

yea, tO fetch meow to skuLL,

then i back tO meOw hOuse again

thiNking tO back mY house awhile

sO, i back tO my house ,

then sudenlY i feel like ,

wan tO fiNd something to release mY stress

sO , i wenT to play basket ball..



while playing basketball


someone came

he see me sO lonely

then he come wf his gf which i kNow them tOO

then while playing

he wan tO challenge fOr shOting

sO i feel sO boring then play LOh

bUt iF lose

there is a punishment

then i m weak

sO i kena punish bY pumping arounf 50 wuUWu xD sO sad

then i back home tO eat maggi :sedaP" brand

two packet

uNtiL nOw oso gOt the taste of the maggi

xD..... the maggi damn nice lOng time dint eat d

i wan tO bUy vege bUt friday dint open

sO back eat maggi

......................then after tat i bath then gO fetch chONg YI and juNn ee tO skuLL

after tat tHomas come

after half an hour

meOw fiNish class

i ask her tO JOin mY class


she jOin

after she come , i feel that i nO more sleEpy

tats iz a gOOD sighn


i kNow ktis mid term

i wiLL get a bad results

................hOpe the persoN whO faiL is not me T.T

cOZ tutors say 1 persOn fail

veri scare

next week presentatioN

i hOpe i caN gO throUgh iT

wilL be nervoUs

i think

hand wiLL shakIng lIke sick


after class have end i went back then fetch chOng yI went tO kTm

hope he wiLL be fine

then after that,

i wenT to eat sushI

long time diNt eat

jZ eat abOut RM21

two persoN

then after eat

already 6

i think i nOt gona eat again

sO i have rejeCt hianG invitation for dinner 2gether xD ^^


nite abOUt 9

i fetch san thien gO klinik

on the way

i kena saman wTF


watever the polis seems nOt understand wad s discount sienz

sO i have tO pay saman fOr abOut 100

sO sad wuwuwuwuw...

mUm say nVM

pay tO clean the bad lUck xD

hOpe it make sense


2mlo nO more mOvie


fuLL OF people d hai hai

____________________tats iT fOr 2day

i haven bath frOM afternOOn untIl Now XD

im going to bath soON

then dO mY presentatiOn slIde

hoPe i can done it bY 2day

tHen gO fOR yuM cha iF can XD

u hope can yuM cha wf frien

lOng time diNt yUm cha d

sO sad wuwuwu

like sO pIty like tat

No bOdy ask me yuM cha xD

nOt like last time


realki manY tHings have change haiz

duNO iz gOod or bad

bUt life iz Lke tat

everytHing must be gone throUgh

tats life

sad hapy stress >>......everytHIng


i can dO iT

motivatiOn yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

wher3 is tH3 jj ?

jj u ther3? r u stIll slip-inG?

everYthIng hav3 change,

yea lIfe dO change a persoN,

jj have change?


jj nOt saMe lIke the jj who u kNow the jj u knOwn

.......jj have disappear already


where iz the hapPY jj?

where iz the hapPY gO lUcky 's jj?

all goN3


i wish tO gO back tO last time

everyoNe dO hope they can flY back tO the time they wan

bUt gOd doesnT le us tO dO so

we jUsT can imagine

lIke doraemOn , time machine?? ^^


i hoPe i wiLL be back


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

*^~~ 家吉 ~~^*





我所说的“重” 并不是














Friday, November 13, 2009

before mid-term the night

2mlo midterm,

yeah!! == wtf?

haven study?


40 marks of the exam


still bloging



cham liao la

exam how

u dun feel any stress??

jz have dinner wf mi zean and meOw housemate tH3m

yea loNg time dint eat wf sO many people


sO pIty hah xD.. izit???


veri nO mOod tO study


bUt i love marketing ^^

weird weird haha




hope everythINg wiLL be fine then , kambateh to all mY friens

u all can dO it

hOpe me tooo

think oF going to have a gOod day

the day wiLL be kfine


____________________________-the end =.=lll

ya.. mY uncle (hoPe god bless him)___

my aunty( she has to take care of her husband (uncle), son, grandsOn,

gOd bless her tOOO...

hOpe everytHing wiLL be fine

i wilL try tO be come very rich

to save all of tHem
when ever who need help

i help

nO matter wad

i wiLL try tO help the ones who need helps


bUt Now, the thiNg u have tO do is study 1st

tO gain mOre inpUt more , then

everytHing will be fine

haiz duNo wad am i talkiNg abOUt arG!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

wad a daY?? arG!!!

wake uP late 2day,

2day class iz 11 am wake uP abOut 10 sOmething then go bath

straight away gO eat breakfast infront of the eastlak3,

i eat wan tan mee wf curry chicken,

mEow eat prawn mee,

the mee curry not as nice as the mee at the short cut road to the oldtown there de restorant

haha... xD....

then i went to skuLL fOR marketing tutorial,

xD.. quiet happY 2daY,

then we went to canteen tO watcH twO prety girl eat thier rice hehe

me and yao mIng eat manggo xD...

and we chat there wf wai hOng them

nOw oNly i Know ivone dint study at uTAr d


sO sad.....

then we went to blOck d tO wait for lecture for marketing

the lecture quiet fuNNy

everytIme share his experience hah

nOw 4kget jOr haha

if anyone remember plz comment me hehe

iz gOOd to remember hehe

next time can use his experience


____________________________________2day mEow cycle to skULL

so i nO need fetch her back in 8 pm class,

sO i went to play basket ball

when i went oUt

oMg!! raining a bIt haha then i terbalik went back

but when i went into the room

the stupid rain stop


then i went again. xD.......

i ask eu yang to acompany me play


we jZ watch them play haha


we chat many haha

long time dint chat wf friens like tat

quite miss the feeling tat i lost lOng ago xD

thank yOu eu yang hehe^^


the distance tat i will find back myself iz nOt far i think hehe

now raining again


everyNIte raining hehe



dun gIve uP hOpe

u wiLL found thing s tat iz gOod


duNo how to describe hehe

gOod thing la

maybe u r unlucky

or u r in the bad day


u wiLL found things tat s gOOd ^^

jz acept wad is it

dUn bother or think abOut duwan to dO it

yaya i remember

alwaz say a yes when u do a thing

dUn blame wad is the thing is

iz tiring or knOt gOod to u

bUt after u did a thing

u will feel wonderfull ^^

tats wad jj is hah


alwaz says a yes ^^ tO ur life

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

rainiy day * " ^ ~ T.T..

............. T__T lll

jj wer r u??

i have lost myself


tryiNg to find myself back.

i have lost myself....


2day early in the morning

i went tO skulll

2day is mOp presentation

i m sO scare to present anyway


think of ponteng 2day xD...

bUt lastly,

i went to skULL ....

arg.. 2day iz veri shUi!!!

for the next next week presentation oral

im nUmber 2

arg!!! hai hai....

nvM haiz ... hOpe i wiLL be alright

when presentation

my hands shaking

alwaz like tat...

tis iz the phobia for me


im reali scare of iT

_______________________---after the class

i went tO have breakfast wf eliNg and meOw

we have rice in old town

heard of san thien going to shift le


if he shift le

then the house wil becoming veri quiet


nO more his voise

jz Like after mi zean wenT back tO pj

whOle house become veri quiet

Now,san thein turnz

tis House will becoming veri quiet haiz

.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .T..t...


dunO wads the feeling Now??

i caring other people more than me

.........................................................................................rainy day

Now i have become far far away between frien and me

i have friens but none of them are my real friens tat understand me

nOt friens fault bUt mY fault

cOZ i dinT find frienz

alwaz stay at Home ONly... haiz

hoPe i can change

actually i have many frienzz

jz i dINt realise >,<

Sunday, November 8, 2009

my life


wad u wan to be??

i wan to be a tree..

coZ iT wiLL stay there for a long long time

woNt seperate wf the mother of the earth

tHen is tis mean u wan to live loNger


i wan to stay wf the person i love forever

icic izit??

ya cOz be a tree

u wont fan of no money no food

mother of the earth gv everytHing

xD........ arg !!!!!!!!! wad am i talking about???

qi ma kan
xD.. haha


wake up early in the mornIng,

nOtHinG to do ,

querel wf dar dar,

then fetch san thien go pUblic bank change the id and password,

but the publiC bank says : "u r Utar student?", i say yes ! so? he says :oh , u have to go to utar to chage the id and password, on tuesday or thursday, buT last time i went to change, the officer change for me, but Now they says utar student only can change in utar, haiz sienzzz, then i fetch san thien them gO eat breakfast at ghanny, stupid public bank.!!"

ok then,

this afternOOn wad i goNna dO?

yea 2mlo , got mOp presentation,

the tutors dunO wiLL select which person to present

she says if got time all must present if no time , she jz randOm select people and go present iNfroNt..

i scare of presentation,

mY hands will shake like im sick, haiz

mY weakness which iz to present

arg!!! hates

there iz no marks to deduct 2mlo if present like shit

but next week present will count inside the marks haiz

15 mark to go


duNo i can study here How long?

will i say bYe bye to all my friens???

arg hates

hOpe tat i can go through mY degree

if i Lose in the battle

people willl laugh at me



hate im bor in tis world

tat fuLL of politics

hope everyone iz all frienly person

but tis world fuLL of different kInd of people

we have tO learn how to respond to them

and have to patient of...............

hOpe hope hope........... my life will be easy..

i Like easy life..
no war no anger no politics no nothing tat is bad xD.......

wow tats will be heaven rights?

hah....... i think i 2day write quite many haha xD...........


mY uncle has een hospitalize haiz...

hope he will be all right

his conditions same wf my mum last time,

have to toOk The operation "bLowing the ballons" tats wad the call it the name of the operation

he treat me veri nice

when im smalll , mY mUm has throw me to their house to stay,

when im stIll a baby

mY aunty is baby sitting me, so they jz like mY god mather and father, "mY parents"

Now they have trouble , i mUst save them frOm beig harm by the devil of the sickness

hope mY uncle can win tHis war...

the operatiOn cause thousand and thousand

if dun have enuf money

i will help

if i cant help

i will pray

to bless them

if any hapen to uncle

anuty will veri sad

because uncle iz the only one who alwaz acompanying aunty


they r 50 60 years old already

Now they must be having a great time

but they have to take care of their sons 's son

because they r nOt educated , so they did nOt earn so much

quite sad that i canot do anytHIng.....

gOd bless them ^^

hope everytHing will be all rights

bOrIng daY


dar dar nOt at hom3 ,

she wenT tO the church activity,

wuwuwuw left me at hOm3 .

i gOt nO mOod withoUt her ,

totaly get lost, today,

