Friday, November 20, 2009

~^* b a d l u c k *^~

i wok3 uP earLY iN tHe mOrnIng,

yea, tO fetch meow to skuLL,

then i back tO meOw hOuse again

thiNking tO back mY house awhile

sO, i back tO my house ,

then sudenlY i feel like ,

wan tO fiNd something to release mY stress

sO , i wenT to play basket ball..



while playing basketball


someone came

he see me sO lonely

then he come wf his gf which i kNow them tOO

then while playing

he wan tO challenge fOr shOting

sO i feel sO boring then play LOh

bUt iF lose

there is a punishment

then i m weak

sO i kena punish bY pumping arounf 50 wuUWu xD sO sad

then i back home tO eat maggi :sedaP" brand

two packet

uNtiL nOw oso gOt the taste of the maggi

xD..... the maggi damn nice lOng time dint eat d

i wan tO bUy vege bUt friday dint open

sO back eat maggi

......................then after tat i bath then gO fetch chONg YI and juNn ee tO skuLL

after tat tHomas come

after half an hour

meOw fiNish class

i ask her tO JOin mY class


she jOin

after she come , i feel that i nO more sleEpy

tats iz a gOOD sighn


i kNow ktis mid term

i wiLL get a bad results

................hOpe the persoN whO faiL is not me T.T

cOZ tutors say 1 persOn fail

veri scare

next week presentatioN

i hOpe i caN gO throUgh iT

wilL be nervoUs

i think

hand wiLL shakIng lIke sick


after class have end i went back then fetch chOng yI went tO kTm

hope he wiLL be fine

then after that,

i wenT to eat sushI

long time diNt eat

jZ eat abOut RM21

two persoN

then after eat

already 6

i think i nOt gona eat again

sO i have rejeCt hianG invitation for dinner 2gether xD ^^


nite abOUt 9

i fetch san thien gO klinik

on the way

i kena saman wTF


watever the polis seems nOt understand wad s discount sienz

sO i have tO pay saman fOr abOut 100

sO sad wuwuwuwuw...

mUm say nVM

pay tO clean the bad lUck xD

hOpe it make sense


2mlo nO more mOvie


fuLL OF people d hai hai

____________________tats iT fOr 2day

i haven bath frOM afternOOn untIl Now XD

im going to bath soON

then dO mY presentatiOn slIde

hoPe i can done it bY 2day

tHen gO fOR yuM cha iF can XD

u hope can yuM cha wf frien

lOng time diNt yUm cha d

sO sad wuwuwu

like sO pIty like tat

No bOdy ask me yuM cha xD

nOt like last time


realki manY tHings have change haiz

duNO iz gOod or bad

bUt life iz Lke tat

everytHing must be gone throUgh

tats life

sad hapy stress >>......everytHIng


i can dO iT

motivatiOn yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

1 comment:

  1. ya.. hope everything will be fine ..
    =) ~
    study ,
    friends ,
    and everything will be good ..
    ^^ ~
    thanks for tat day taking me go train station ..
    And I work hard to get well ..
    after I get well from sick and stress..
    we go yamcha till morning.. LOL XD
