Tuesday, November 10, 2009

rainiy day * " ^ ~ T.T..

............. T__T lll

jj wer r u??

i have lost myself


tryiNg to find myself back.

i have lost myself....


2day early in the morning

i went tO skulll

2day is mOp presentation

i m sO scare to present anyway


think of ponteng 2day xD...

bUt lastly,

i went to skULL ....

arg.. 2day iz veri shUi!!!

for the next next week presentation oral

im nUmber 2

arg!!! hai hai....

nvM haiz ... hOpe i wiLL be alright

when presentation

my hands shaking

alwaz like tat...

tis iz the phobia for me


im reali scare of iT

_______________________---after the class

i went tO have breakfast wf eliNg and meOw

we have rice in old town

heard of san thien going to shift le


if he shift le

then the house wil becoming veri quiet


nO more his voise

jz Like after mi zean wenT back tO pj

whOle house become veri quiet

Now,san thein turnz

tis House will becoming veri quiet haiz

.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .T..t...


dunO wads the feeling Now??

i caring other people more than me

.........................................................................................rainy day

Now i have become far far away between frien and me

i have friens but none of them are my real friens tat understand me

nOt friens fault bUt mY fault

cOZ i dinT find frienz

alwaz stay at Home ONly... haiz

hoPe i can change

actually i have many frienzz

jz i dINt realise >,<


  1. 原来我什么都不是。。。。

  2. haiz...
    now only i know ...
    " friens but none of them are my real friens tat understand me " ..

    haiz ~

  3. xD.... u all are friens la... haiyO
    jz lOng tIme dint talk d mar....

    sO feel like veri far lOh...

    hiang: u gOt thomas d mar haha xD...

    chUNg ngee: u toO r mY best frien haha
    xD... jZ kwe talk less and im duwan cham people ..........
    im totaly different frOm klast tIme ....
    last tim3 im noIsy. Now im quiet hai hai...
    maybe stress la

    think oF goIng to say bYe bye le ma....

    sorY la
