Monday, March 7, 2011


why im saying this,


im the one who blaming everyday,

why i have to do this

why everything is set ,

why dun the decision is make by me?

yea, everything is constant

just how i live in that constant world

but, if im the one who enjoy every single thing in my life

like im sitting in the bed,

is such a wonderful feeling and the bed is soft,

im like blur blur sitting there dun think anything just sit there and smile,

yea, i should be doing this

bcoz, keep blaming why not enjoying?

hehe, i think i got some mental problem nOw

many things is coming ,

many things need to settle

yea, this is life,

i must live like no others live,

when im in trouble in asignment

i always like an idiot , what oso duno

always blaming myself of being such nerd


i canot be like this anymore

life is beatiful

like when i wan fall asleep in lecture class,

i should enjoying

the aircond

the lecturer

many things can be enjoy rather than blaming the lecturer

eh faster end class la, i wan sleep

hmm, day and day is coming

i should change my perspective!!

1 comment:

  1. good to see that...
    yayaa...cheer up...
    i want enjoy my life too...
    enjoy eat/sleep/study/play time^^
