after tHe marketing test,
i lIke release froM the 100 years prison,
after thomas fetch me back tO hostel,
i wenT tO iPoH tGV tO watch christmas carol ^^
althoUgh tHe movie in the begining iS bOring,
bUt after that ,
the story iS quite intetrestinG
and vErI fuNNy ^^
it was an happY ending
and quite meaning fuLL ^^ hehe
we have mc danald as dinner ^^
lonG time dint eat mc donald,
quite a goOd feeling for 2day tO watch movIe ^^
after we wenT back,
after awhile,
mY frien camE tO mY house and talk stoRy ^^
quite a funnY person
after that we wenT tO have aBc ice while chating ^^ hehe
wenT back hOme again ^^
sO buSY man wakaka ,
hoPe 2mlo wilL be a goOd daY tOO
need to repair mY car 2mlo,
gO checK for tHe froN problem and alignment,
got sound,><
verI scary man
tats iT for 2day yeah!!xD
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