earlY iN the mOrning ,
i woKe uP at 7 am lIke tat morning tO play basket ball witH friens
although i slept at 3 am in the morning,
bUt i stiLL can wake uP hehe^^
nIce nice
bUT 2day nOt iN the gOOd mOOd iN playiNg basketball,
maybe iM tOO manY troubLe?
i wenT breakfast aT laksA tHere,
damN nIce and the watermelon drinKs damN nice ^^
then i wenT chuNg yI hOuse chat awhile
tHen i gO tO checK the car bUt nEEd waiT verY lOng sO i wenT back hOme 1sT and take the raM froM waI hONg
then fIx iT fOr mEOw meow
then after that
we watch stORm warriors1
watch untIl veri tires iN tHe hal;f waY >,<
then slIP awhile
we wenT for diNner
steambOat and roasts
see her face?? sO cuTe rights??
tIs iS tHe rubbIsh after we finish eating ^^ xD
tis iS thomas sister and her frien s ^^ lOl
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