Saturday, December 26, 2009

weird daY

earlY iN tHe morniNg,

wakE uP and work ffs awhile,

and the stuPid scammer,

scam me.

untiL mY ffs sO broKe d


nO moOD plaY ffs already,

then gO rOOm sliP awhile,

wake uP mUm back then coOk mee ,
then i eat lU

then whole afternOOn sO sienz

then watch movie awhilke lu then dad come and toOK mY car gO repair change the 4 tyre

all change to new 1000 plUs pluS


im watchinG initial d ><.. i loVe mY car verY mUch

jZ lIke mY car already hehe

i canoT waiT tO drive my car again hehe ^^

then evening after bath

i went foR neighbouR open hOuse

belOw is the house tat i have toOk the pIctures

quite nice^^
tis is the front

tIs is the neighbour of the house
there are crowded inside
tis is their spa roOm wOW
i wish tO have one at mY house too

mum say next time come their hOuse take bath hehe

and tats iT mY dAY 2daY

life .... jz depend on hOw we wish foR ouR lifE

if we wish for a boring life

tats a boring life waitinG for u

buT u wish to have a happy life

there will be a happy life waiting for u

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