penang trIP
we r catching the snake
real snake to take pikcture
the snake iz heavy heehee
we play in the beach
there r water sport for us to play
each person 60 ringgit
damn damn expensive
wakao.>>>>>> brOther and sister playiNg hee^^
>>>>>>>>>>>>>im playIKng
dan excting.>>>>>>>>
brOther take pictture in the water walao
lucky the camera can swim hehe
seee>>> he so rude
>>>meee hehe.......
gOt buble wakakak
we went back hotel eat hehe
quite to gO for a small trIp heehee......
damn sad fOr some event wuwu
u Know de la wuwu
haih duwan talk aboUt tat la
hope i can pass wuwu everyday i wil moddy when tink about tat
wuwuwu.... sad sad......hOpe u wont effect by me
love yea
wow.seem lk have an enjoyable holiday o..haha..happy holiday ya..